海外直订Challenges of Individualization 个性化的挑战
Individualization 个体化 制度化个人主义及其社会政治后果 乌尔里希·贝克进口原版英文书籍
海外直订Education, Individualization and Neoliberalism: Youth in Southern Europe 教育、个体化与新自由主义:南欧的青年
海外直订医药图书Pharmacogenetics of Breast Cancer: Towards the Individualization of Therapy 乳腺癌的药物遗传学:朝向
个体化 英文原版 Individualization 制度化个人主义及其社会政治后果 乌尔里希·贝克 英文版 进口英语原版书籍
按需印刷DEG Individualization in Childhood and Adolescence[9783110146813]
英文原版 Individualization 个体化 制度化个人主义及其社会政治后果 乌尔里希·贝克 英文版 进口英语原版书籍
预订Class, Individualization and Late Modernity:In Search of the Reflexive Worker
【预订】Individualization and the Delivery of Welfare Services
【预订】Challenges of Individualization
【4周达】Transitions from School to Work: Globalization, Individualization, and Patterns of Diversity... [9780521490689]
【预售】Individualization in Childhood and Adolescence
【4周达】New Paradigm for Re-engineering Education : Globalization, Localization and Individualization [9781402036194]
【4周达】Individualization of endurance developement in kettlebell sport [9783639650501]
预售 按需印刷 Individualization in Childhood and Adolescence
预售 按需印刷 Individualization in Childhood and Adolescence
【4周达】Therapeutic Drug Monitoring and Pharmacokinetics-Based Individualization of Drug Therapy [9783725820214]
【4周达】Class, Individualization and Late Modernity : In Search of the Reflexive Worker [9781349317707]
【4周达】Variable Takt Principle : Mastering Variance with Limitless Product Individualization [9783030871727]
【4周达】Routledge Companion to Contemporary Japanese Social Theory : From Individualization to Globa... [9780415671453]
【4周达】DEG Individualization in Childhood and Adolescence [9783110146813]
【4周达】Variable Takt Principle : Mastering Variance with Limitless Product Individualization [9783030871697]
【4周达】Education, Individualization and Neoliberalism: Youth in Southern Europe [9781350082458]
【4周达】Contested Individualization: Debates about Contemporary Personhood [9781403977700]